paź 032011


2 floppy drives – $5
A microcontroller – $3
Almost 2 million views in 5 days – PRICELESS!


Mój ostatni film – Floppy music DUO – Imperial march – Imperial March – został obejrzany prawie 2 miliony razy w ciągu ostatnich kilku dni. Został umieszczony na wielu portalach, takich jak,, Yahoo czy Reddit. Podobno dziś rano został nawet pokazany w TVN24! (Czy ktoś może to potwierdzić? 😉  ) Nie spodziewałem się aż tak dużej popularności. Dziękuje.

Jak już obiecałem, będą kolejne filmy. Obecnie jestem dość zajęty, gdyż właśnie zaczął się rok akademicki (już trzeci 😉 ), a oprócz tego pracuję nad dwoma innymi projektami. Spróbuję znaleźć trochę wolnego czasu w weekend. W międzyczasie spróbuję znaleźć jakieś stacje 5,25′.

Przepraszam za duże opóźnienia w odpowiadaniu na pytania. Zostałem zaspamowany Waszymi wiadomościami\komentarzami i potrzebuję trochę czasu żeby się przez nie przebić ;-).

Dużo osób wyraziło chęć budowy takiego urządzenia.
Czy byliby byście zainteresowani zestawami do samodzielnego montażu?



My last video – Floppy music DUO – Imperial march – has been viewed almost 2 million times in just a few days. It hat been posted on many sites like Yahoo, Reddit, polish or Someone said that it has even been shown in TVN24, polish news television ths morning!  I didn’t expected so much popularity. Thank you!

As I promised, I will make some new videos soon. Currently I am a little busy – two other projects and back to the university classes after summer holidays. I will try to find some time at the weekend. In the meantime I will try to get some 5,25 drives.

Sorry for the big delay in responding to your questions – I am spammed and I need some time go get through all this messages ;-).

A lot of people wrote, that he would like to build this device.
Are you interested in a self-assembly kit?

  59 komentarzy to “Dyskietki podbijają Internet! (English \ Polish)”

  1. hi, i’m intrested about ur project, i wanna use it for my exam. can you send me some info??

  2. ou did a very nice job! Cool idea!
    Do you already have ideas for future songs?

  3. Please, explain HOW did you build this?

  4. Hello,
    Very excellent blog post from you

  5. That’s Right!…

    This is a really good blog. Good work!…

  6. Is it possible to get a schematic and source for the programming? possibly the midi as well, This would be epic to build!!!

  7. Good Work…

    I can make some sound with Arduino…
    Can you give me the song’s sheet??

    Thanks 🙂

  8. thank you for the translation, i was useful 🙂

  9. zagraj melodie wiadomości to cie wezmą do tv jak im wyślesz

  10. I am interested in source code, ideally for Arduino 🙂 not sure how to drive 2 sw fq generators dynamically. And what about 4 (phantom of the floppera) 🙁

  11. haha ;D jak znajdziesz tyle dysków ;p wszystko zależy od ceny, jak zrobisz cenę w miarę normalną to znajdą się chętni 😉
    szczerze to sam bym sobie taką zrobił… czy kit-a nie wiem ale ze schematu czemu nie 😉
    w sumie miło by było jak byś mógł wrzucić schemat płytki 😉

  12. a self-assembly kit would be amazing
    or a description how to build that 😉

  13. That video was great ! You gave those floppy drives a new life and made a whole new kind of idk, music ?! 😀
    Any ways you are awsome and you should try to cover the Harry Potter Theme (Hedwig Theme) and/or Indiana Jones theme (Raiders March).

  14. Hey Man!

    I really like your videos. Is there a possibility to get this self-assembly kit? I would love building it at home.

    best wishes

  15. I would like to know how to build that device , can you give me the instructios or some like that . please 🙂

  16. >>A lot of people wrote, that he would like to build this device.
    >>Are you interested in a self-assembly kit?

    YES, absolutelty, hundreed percent interested!)

  17. Yes!!!!!
    Oh God YESS!!!

  18. Please, explain HOW did you build this?

  19. Thanks for that great work !!

    It very interest me, I’m building one but my level in coding is bad. Can you give the source code for imperial march ( or the frequencies ) ??

    Thank you !!

  20. Que tal amigo me podrías decir como puedo hacer ese proyecto tienes algún tutorial para hacer ese proyecto que dices me puedes ayudar

    Saludos desde Ecuador

    That such a friend tell me how I can do this project have any tutorial for this project that can help tell me

    Greetings from Ecuador

  21. i would like a kit
    but dual drive with a song programmer (midi/mp3 in)

  22. hey i am interested in a kit

    for a dual drive with one song

  23. Cool! Can you make it open-source and show us the schematics for it? I imagine that the control hardware is pretty simple. Thanks

  24. Hey, great vid

  25. Jasne, że chciałbym zestaw do samodzielnego montażu!

  26. what MIDI did you use for the music?

  27. > Are you interested in a self-assembly kit?

    Depending on the price and specially the shipping, yes! =)

  28. Hi,
    I am interested in a self assembly kit. I am also interested in circuit diagrams and which components you used.

  29. Why yes, I’d LOVE a self-assembly kit 😀
    But I’m already buying an arduino board and a floppy drive, so I won’t need it I guess.

  30. Great video. I’d love a self-assembly kit!

  31. That is so cool. Thanks for sharing your talents.
    Don’t forget about those old 40 megabyte hard drives that bang their heads to align the heads. You may be able to get a good base line beat out of them.

  32. How much did it cost?

  33. Yes, I would like to build the device. I’m not sure about a self-assembly kit, but it would be great if you could post a list of parts/materials, the programming code, and the melody (midi?)
    I think many people have floppy drives in their basements waiting for this project!

  34. So COOOL!

  35. I would definitely be interested in a kit. I have plenty of floppy drives and enough know-how to get the job done, but without the parts and instructions I’m at a loss.

  36. self-assemly kit as in make something like this yourself? YES! I would really want that!

  37. HIya

    Yeah..I’d be interested in a kit…

    Do you do requests??…Hows about some Jean-Michel Jarre? 🙂



  38. Yes, I would absolutely LOVE a self assembly kit of this! And would pay money for it, or a complete board to just put the whole contraption together quickly. Understand that your busy, so awaiting new info patiently 😉

  39. hey,

    i would love to know what kind of microcontroller you used an the setup to make the floppy’s do what they did.

  40. Dude, that’s awesome! 😀 Congrats and tks for sharing your experiences with us! Keep on track!

  41. i’d love to make such a musical device. do you have atmel code and schematics?
    I look forward to your reply

  42. I would love a self-assembly kit. If 2 drives is this cool, imagine 20!

  43. No jasne! Mam mnóstwo starych komputerów w domu, byłaby zabawa =]

  44. You did a very nice job! Cool idea!
    Do you already have ideas for future songs?

  45. potwierdzam tvn24

  46. Hello,

    Very nice job you did there, I saw something similar with another device, it’s amazing.
    Would love a self-assembly kit 🙂


  47. Hello!
    It’s very fun device) And i’m intresting in a manual: How i can connect floppy to a controller and how to send a sound to drive.

    P.S.: Sorry for my bad english.

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